The trailing I after the regex statement ( which in this case is simply the phrase walmart) signifies that the statement is not case sensitive. Regex语句(本例中为walmart)后面的i表明该语句不区分大小写。
Remember that HTML tags are not case sensitive. 记住HTML标签是不区分大小写的。
The suffix distinguished name is not case sensitive. 后缀专有名称对大小写不敏感。
The examples in the reference topics are not case sensitive. 参考主题中的示例不区分大小写。
Configuration names are not case sensitive. 配置名称不区分大小写。
Whilst the attribute names are not case sensitive, the values may be ( unless compared with~=). 属性名不是大小写敏感的,值可能是(如果不用~=作比的话)。
Password:~~ Enter a password ( not case sensitive). 密码:~~输入密码(不区分大小写)。
One certainly would not want the first case to be a second Lehman, especially at such a sensitive time with markets so jittery about the crisis in the eurozone. 人们肯定不希望第一个测试案例就成为雷曼第二特别是在这种欧元区危机令市场如此紧张不安的敏感时刻。